Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Speed Test

So my speed is about spot on for what I am paying for

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Podcast thoughts

I'm still in the beginning stages of breating a weekly podcast on reef tanks, and I'm still trying to come up with a few show ideas before I start recording.

I wonder of there are any good sites on brainstorming ideas for discussion.

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Itunes scripts for deleting unwanted tracks on the fly

In this article I’ll be showing you how to easily clear your library of unwanted tracks using a custom Applescript and Quicksilver trigger.Like many of you, I’m a keyboard junkie. I listen to music all day and I’m constantly switching between shuffled and non-shuffled play, skipping tracks and repeating them all without lifting my hands from the keyboard. There are a lot of apps that do this but I am partial to Quicksilver’s iTunes plugin when used with key-combo triggers. I’m not going to explain how to set this up (see MacApper for a nice run down similar to the basics of what I’ll describe here).

Vaporize The Unwanted (Kinkless iTunes 1) | Kinkless

Once again some cool stuff I need to check out.

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Bash Scripting

Lifehacker posted this story a few days back. Looks interesting. I'll have to play with this soon

Learn to write bash scripts

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Darn clouds!

3rd of July Weather

Well looks like my stargazing fun is over for the night, and possibly for a few days as well


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Pics of Jupiter


I was playing with my telescope and found Jupiter. At first you could see 3-4 moons around it too, but the clouds moved in and I lost visability.

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